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What is
Life Coaching?

 Life coaching is a collaboration in which a client and coach partner in a thought provoking and creative process in order to inspire a life lived in full potential.  I think of it as the energy work of ideas, where curiosity, intuition, and love invoke transformation.

Our transitions and perceived challenges in life can be transformative experiences by working with a coach who is trained to ask powerful questions about your experience. 1-1 sessions are an intimate space of active listening, powerful introspection, intuitive guidance, accountability, curiosity and expansion.  Working with a coach can even aid in the healing of chronic physical ailments and discomfort.  The mind body connection is well known and researched and many clients experience the alleviation of physical symptoms when they experience coaching.

I am committed to a powerful approach, with heart, humor, and respect for my clients’ wholeness. Think of me as your dedicated champion, holder of your magnificence, challenger of your perceptions, and partner in creation of your dreams!


Relationship Coaching

"The quality of our relationships determines
  the quality of our lives" – Esther Perel

Relationship coaching  guides the client to his/her own inner wisdom in order to transform the current relationship the client is in or find the relationship the client desires.  It is a space to uncover what a client wants, needs, and values in a relationship.  It is rooted firmly in the belief that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU.  Also, that relationship changes begin with focusing on the self.  When we stop blaming our partner, or our past relationships for our unhappiness, transformation takes place!  Many feel like they need a therapist when they are having issues regarding relationships.  What’s true is that Relationship Coaching brings clarity about what is your responsibility in the relationship and what your partner is responsible for. It is part process, part education, part action, and part manifestation!

Is Relationship Coaching right for me?


Do you find it challenging to connect with your partner or lose yourself when you try to bond?


Do you overly focus on your partner and dismiss your own needs or do  you overly focus on yourself and shut your partner out?


Do you continually have the same arguments when you try to communicate?


Are you afraid you are, or afraid you will keep repeating unhealthy relationship patterns from the past?


Do you find it hard to trust your partner? Do you find it hard to trust yourself?


Do you have difficulty with boundaries?


Are you longing to feel seen, heard, and cherished in your current relationship or a new one?


Do you wonder if you should stay or go?

Coaching Offerings

Breakthrough Session

This is a 60 minute session where we jumpstart your natural resourcefulness and creativity. You will leave the session with a clear understanding of your values and an action(s) you can take to propel you forward. 



Deep Dive

This series of 3 sessions is designed to dive deeper into a topic.  You will leave with a fresh, clear perspective on your topic, greater access to your own resourcefulness, and a fuller embodiment of your power. 



Coaching Packages

Committing to coaching for a period of time allows the greatest opportunity for Transformation.  We can really embrace who you are longing to become and what you are longing to experience.  

There is opportunity to flourish in  more than one aspect of life.  I support and hold the best for you in your connection with:

-A sense of meaningful work

-Authentic relationships

-Greater fulfillment in your current circumstances

-Deep trust in yourself

-Recognizing self limiting beliefs

-A sense of vitality and health

-Living a life in accordance with your unique values and strengths

Longer durations coaching packages include:

-2 45-60 minute sessions per month

-Unlimited Text and email support

-Being held in my energetic embrace

- A bonus 30 minute wrap up session


3 month commitment $625

6 month commitment $1150

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