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“Nothing is more important in our lives than our relationships. A great relationship boosts your immune system, opens your heart, and keeps you vital and creative.”
– Terry Real

Would you like to feel more connected

to yourself AND a romantic partner?


Many times in a relationship it feels like we have to give up ourselves in order to feel connected to our

partner or we feel like we have to sacrifice our bond with our partner in order to be able to trust ourselves.


Our culture really doesn’t teach us much about how to be in relationship and still honor our individuality. Codependency is commonplace, as well as hyper independence. There is a lot of confusion and struggle among couples and those wanting to be

in a romantic relationship. We get into a relationship and life goes out of balance.


Group Coaching for Women


About Arjan

There is so much aliveness in our longing for genuine connection.  Bonding with another and staying grounded within ourselves is a skill that has not been valued or taught in our culture.  This lack causes so much confusion, loneliness, and codependency, and isolation in relationships.


I used to think that my Soulmate and I would journey through the healing process together.  There would be so much love we would heal our wounds.  Well, many romantic relationships, a divorce, and a death of a partner later, I see that the soul’s journey is indeed through the path of relationship, but EVERY relationship is an opportunity to connect the soul and heal.  I still long for a life partner but I also appreciate that all my relationships were successful because of the self awareness that took place.


Life & Relationship Coaching




What Clients Say

Arjan and I started working together right as I was fighting to come out of a dark, difficult period. She guided me through some dense inner weeds, so to speak, and helped me uncover the truths of my core - my inner wisdom - that had been there all along, but which I couldn't see. Through our work, I was able to define and realign with my soul purpose and step more fully into myself again. Truly a gift.

Heather, Ithaca, NY


607-279-7362    |

114 West Buffalo Street, Ithaca, NY 14850

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